Romanian Language :
Daca ati cumparat un CD-Key prin SMS, oferit de XXXXX, si v-ati creat un cont iar acest cont nu mai merge (nu va mai puteti loga pe el), sau a fost furat, mai aveti o sansa sa-l recuperati.
Detaliile din acest formular sunt importante pentru a determina cauza datorita careia contul dumneavoastra nu mai functioneaza. Cazurile deja cunoscute de catre Valve sunt urmatoarele:
A. Aveti un key-logger pe calculatorul de unde v-ati logat ultima oara.
B. Userul si parola au fost "imprumutate" unui alt utilizator.
C. Un alt utilizator a ghicit parola.
D. Un alt utilizator a vazut parola cand ati introdus-o la: un concurs, un iCafe etc.
Daca presupuneti ca problema a fost cauzata de un key-logger pe calculatorul dumneavoastra, este FOARTE IMPORTANT sa descarcati cele mai noi actualizari pentru sistemul de operare si anti-virus, sa scanati calculatorul, si sa detectati acel key-logger INAINTE de a completa formularul. Dupa ce ati indepartat key-logger-ul sau/si alti virusi pe care-i mai aveati, puteti continua cu acest tutorial.
Pentru a recupera acest cont trebuie sa:
1. Intrati pe
2. In pagina aparuta apasati ori pe link-ul "here" ori in dreapta unde scrie Username (New?).
3. In formularul aparut completati toate campurile cerute:
Your name: _____ ( Aici trebuie sa introduceti nume dumneavoastra)
Choose a username: _____ (Aici trebuie sa introduceti username-ul dumneavoastra) [username-ul de pe site este diferit de contul cu care va logati pe steam]
Your email password: _____ (Aici trebuie sa introduceti mail-ul dumneavoastra)
Choose a Password: _____ (Aici trebuie sa introduceti parola dumneavoastra.)
Repeat Password: _____ (Aici trebuie sa rescrieti parola.)
4. Dupa completarea campurilor apasati butonul Submit Registration.
5. Dupa ce v-ati creat contul si v-a aparut pagina de redirectare , veti primi un email de la steampowered cu un link de activare a contului dumneavoastra.
6. Pana cand dumneavoastra nu dati click pe link-ul primit in email (pentru a va activa contul), pe pagina principala (dupa logare) va va aparea un mesaj care spune ca trebuie sa activati codul . In cazul in care nu ati primit mail cu asa ceva, exista un link numit resent pe care puteti sa apasati pentru a va retrimite acel mail. Pana nu activati contul nu puteti depune nici o sesizare.
7. In momentul cand ati activat contul veti vedea in josul paginii un nou buton numit Ask a Question.
8. Apasand pe acel buton va duce in forumularul de asistenta.
9. In forumularul aparut completati urmatoarele campuri:
Subject: _____ (Aici introduceti Hijacked or Stolen Account)
Category: _____ (Aici selectati Account Questions)
* - (Aici selectati Hijacked or Stolen Account)
Product: _____ (Aici selectati STEAM)
Steam Account Name: _____ (Aici introduceti Username-ul cu care dumneavoastra va logati pe steam (NU PE SITE)
CD Key: _____ (Aici introduceti CD-Key-ul pe care l-ati primit de la XXXXXXXXX prin SMS.)
Your Question: _____ (Aici scrieti problema dumneavoastra, detaliata, in limba engleza)
In acest camp sunt obligatorii urmatoarele detalii:
Modul in care ati achizitionat CD-Key-ul (daca este un key luat de la XXX Romania, specificati ca a fost cumparat prin SMS de la XXXXXX Romania)
E-mail-ul cu care a fost creat contul (cu care s-a activat CD-Key-ul).
Perioada (cu aproximatie) cand ati realizat ca acest cont nu mai merge.
(OPTIONAL) Modul in care contul a fost pierdut/furat.
10. Apasati butonul Submit Question.
11. In fereastra aparuta sunteti anuntati ca problema dumneavoastra a fost trimisa spre rezolvare si de asemenea aveti linkuri catre discutii deja existente referitoare la probleme similare dumneavoastra.
Detaliile din acest formular sunt importante pentru a determina cauza datorita careia contul dumneavoastra nu mai functioneaza. Cazurile deja cunoscute de catre Valve sunt urmatoarele:
A. Aveti un key-logger pe calculatorul de unde v-ati logat ultima oara.
B. Userul si parola au fost "imprumutate" unui alt utilizator.
C. Un alt utilizator a ghicit parola.
D. Un alt utilizator a vazut parola cand ati introdus-o la: un concurs, un iCafe etc.
Daca presupuneti ca problema a fost cauzata de un key-logger pe calculatorul dumneavoastra, este FOARTE IMPORTANT sa descarcati cele mai noi actualizari pentru sistemul de operare si anti-virus, sa scanati calculatorul, si sa detectati acel key-logger INAINTE de a completa formularul. Dupa ce ati indepartat key-logger-ul sau/si alti virusi pe care-i mai aveati, puteti continua cu acest tutorial.
Pentru a recupera acest cont trebuie sa:
1. Intrati pe
2. In pagina aparuta apasati ori pe link-ul "here" ori in dreapta unde scrie Username (New?).
3. In formularul aparut completati toate campurile cerute:
Your name: _____ ( Aici trebuie sa introduceti nume dumneavoastra)
Choose a username: _____ (Aici trebuie sa introduceti username-ul dumneavoastra) [username-ul de pe site este diferit de contul cu care va logati pe steam]
Your email password: _____ (Aici trebuie sa introduceti mail-ul dumneavoastra)
Choose a Password: _____ (Aici trebuie sa introduceti parola dumneavoastra.)
Repeat Password: _____ (Aici trebuie sa rescrieti parola.)
4. Dupa completarea campurilor apasati butonul Submit Registration.
5. Dupa ce v-ati creat contul si v-a aparut pagina de redirectare , veti primi un email de la steampowered cu un link de activare a contului dumneavoastra.
6. Pana cand dumneavoastra nu dati click pe link-ul primit in email (pentru a va activa contul), pe pagina principala (dupa logare) va va aparea un mesaj care spune ca trebuie sa activati codul . In cazul in care nu ati primit mail cu asa ceva, exista un link numit resent pe care puteti sa apasati pentru a va retrimite acel mail. Pana nu activati contul nu puteti depune nici o sesizare.
7. In momentul cand ati activat contul veti vedea in josul paginii un nou buton numit Ask a Question.
8. Apasand pe acel buton va duce in forumularul de asistenta.
9. In forumularul aparut completati urmatoarele campuri:
Subject: _____ (Aici introduceti Hijacked or Stolen Account)
Category: _____ (Aici selectati Account Questions)
* - (Aici selectati Hijacked or Stolen Account)
Product: _____ (Aici selectati STEAM)
Steam Account Name: _____ (Aici introduceti Username-ul cu care dumneavoastra va logati pe steam (NU PE SITE)
CD Key: _____ (Aici introduceti CD-Key-ul pe care l-ati primit de la XXXXXXXXX prin SMS.)
Your Question: _____ (Aici scrieti problema dumneavoastra, detaliata, in limba engleza)
In acest camp sunt obligatorii urmatoarele detalii:
Modul in care ati achizitionat CD-Key-ul (daca este un key luat de la XXX Romania, specificati ca a fost cumparat prin SMS de la XXXXXX Romania)
E-mail-ul cu care a fost creat contul (cu care s-a activat CD-Key-ul).
Perioada (cu aproximatie) cand ati realizat ca acest cont nu mai merge.
(OPTIONAL) Modul in care contul a fost pierdut/furat.
10. Apasati butonul Submit Question.
11. In fereastra aparuta sunteti anuntati ca problema dumneavoastra a fost trimisa spre rezolvare si de asemenea aveti linkuri catre discutii deja existente referitoare la probleme similare dumneavoastra.
English Language :
If you bought a CD-Key via SMS, offered by XXXXX, and you've created an account and this account is not working (no longer can log on it), or stolen, you still have a chance to recover .
The details in this form are important to determine the cause due to which your account does not work. Cases already known by Valve are:
A. You have a key-logger on your computer where you logged in last time.
B. The user and password were "loaned" to another user.
C. Another user guessed password.
D. Another user saw when you entered the password to: a competition, an iCafe etc.
If you assume that the problem was caused by a key-logger on your computer, it is important to download the latest updates for your operating system and anti-virus to scan the computer and detect that key-logger before completing form . After removing key-logger and / or other viruses that longer were you, you can continue with this tutorial.
To recover this account must:
1. Enter the
2. appear on the page or click on the link "here" or the right side of the Username (New?).
3. In form appeared complete all required fields:
Your name: _____ (You must enter your name)
Choose a username: _____ (You need to enter your username) [username on the site is different from the account you log on steam]
Your email password: _____ (You must enter your e-mail)
Choose a Password: _____ (You must enter your password.)
Repeat Password: _____ (You must retype the password.)
4. After filling click Submit Registration.
5. After you have created your account and you appeared redirection page, you will receive an email with a link to steampowered to activate your account.
6. Until you do not click on the link received in email (to activate your account), on the main page (after logging in) you will see a message that says you have to activate the code. If you have not received mail so there is a link called resentment that you can press to will resend that email. Until you enable the account you can not lodge any complaint.
7. When you have activated your account you will see a new button at the bottom called Ask a Question.
8. Pressing that button will result in forumularul assistance.
9. In forumularul appeared fill in the following fields:
Subject: _____ (insert here Hijacked or Stolen Account)
Category: _____ (You select Account Questions)
* - (Select Account Hijacked or Stolen)
Product: _____ (You select STEAM)
Steam Account Name: _____ (you enter the username that you log on steam (NOT THE SITE)
CD Key: _____ (insert here your CD-Key that you received from XXXXXXXXX via SMS.)
Your Question: _____ (Here write your problem, detailed, in English)
In this field the following details are required:
The way in which you purchased your CD-Key (if a key taken from XXX Romania, specify that SMS was bought from Romania XXXXXX)
E-mail account that was created (which was activated your CD Key).
Period (roughly) you realized that this account does not work anymore.
(OPTIONAL) The manner in which the account was lost / stolen.
10. Press Submit Question.
11. In the window which appears you are informed that your problem has been sent to settlement and also have links to existing discussions on similar issues you.
The details in this form are important to determine the cause due to which your account does not work. Cases already known by Valve are:
A. You have a key-logger on your computer where you logged in last time.
B. The user and password were "loaned" to another user.
C. Another user guessed password.
D. Another user saw when you entered the password to: a competition, an iCafe etc.
If you assume that the problem was caused by a key-logger on your computer, it is important to download the latest updates for your operating system and anti-virus to scan the computer and detect that key-logger before completing form . After removing key-logger and / or other viruses that longer were you, you can continue with this tutorial.
To recover this account must:
1. Enter the
2. appear on the page or click on the link "here" or the right side of the Username (New?).
3. In form appeared complete all required fields:
Your name: _____ (You must enter your name)
Choose a username: _____ (You need to enter your username) [username on the site is different from the account you log on steam]
Your email password: _____ (You must enter your e-mail)
Choose a Password: _____ (You must enter your password.)
Repeat Password: _____ (You must retype the password.)
4. After filling click Submit Registration.
5. After you have created your account and you appeared redirection page, you will receive an email with a link to steampowered to activate your account.
6. Until you do not click on the link received in email (to activate your account), on the main page (after logging in) you will see a message that says you have to activate the code. If you have not received mail so there is a link called resentment that you can press to will resend that email. Until you enable the account you can not lodge any complaint.
7. When you have activated your account you will see a new button at the bottom called Ask a Question.
8. Pressing that button will result in forumularul assistance.
9. In forumularul appeared fill in the following fields:
Subject: _____ (insert here Hijacked or Stolen Account)
Category: _____ (You select Account Questions)
* - (Select Account Hijacked or Stolen)
Product: _____ (You select STEAM)
Steam Account Name: _____ (you enter the username that you log on steam (NOT THE SITE)
CD Key: _____ (insert here your CD-Key that you received from XXXXXXXXX via SMS.)
Your Question: _____ (Here write your problem, detailed, in English)
In this field the following details are required:
The way in which you purchased your CD-Key (if a key taken from XXX Romania, specify that SMS was bought from Romania XXXXXX)
E-mail account that was created (which was activated your CD Key).
Period (roughly) you realized that this account does not work anymore.
(OPTIONAL) The manner in which the account was lost / stolen.
10. Press Submit Question.
11. In the window which appears you are informed that your problem has been sent to settlement and also have links to existing discussions on similar issues you.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre mihaisupport in Lun Ian 09, 2017 6:21 pm, editata de 4 ori